First of all I've re-planted all the geraniums/pelargoner that had spent the winter duct taped to my kitchen window sill (remember the itty, bitty, kitty monster that moved in to my home last fall? Duct tape is now a vital part of my interior decorations. LOL) Most of them had survived the winter. Some needed to be cut down a bit since they were way too tall and gangly but in general I preferred to keep them as big as possible this year.

Look at some of my re-homed geraniums/pelargoner waiting to be placed….

…on the window sill.

More re-planted geraniums
(and an innocent cat tail, this isn't the itty bitty one)

Pay special attention the foliage color of the one in the pink pot

Two days in the bright sun made the foliage change color
(it's not dry or burnt or anything like that)
I've also gotten some new plants form my mom, like a "pure bred" strawberry named Sonata (that's supposed to taste much sweeter than the berries from my other plant use to do), some Sweet Peas/Luktärtor and a little pot with Chard/Mangold seedlings. The sweet peas ended up in the flower boxes with all the other odd plants I've got there but the chard babies were too small to re-plant yet (And I promise, no chard will end up in my flower boxes. LOL)

The Sonata Strawberry and baby Chard/Mangold to the left

My old strawberry plant

Wild strawberry/Smultron
My next project was to turn the plant box in to a vegetable patch. Since it doesn't have a real bottom I've decided to grow things in pots instead of filling it up with soil but I've tied up the lid and started to plant some seeds. So far I've planted some lettuce/sallad (Garden rocket/Ruccola, my absolute favorite) and radishes/rädisor. (I've also got some pea seedlings, the chard and the Sonata strawberry in the plant box).
I'm particularly proud of and curious about the radishes since they've got a history of their own. Last year I've planted ordinary store bought radish seeds but for some reason they didn't grow their usual bulb like roots, instead the plants focused on foliage, flowers and seeds. I saved the seeds last fall and this season I've sown them and now I'm really curious to see what will happen. Will I get thick red roots or fruits like klast year? (the fruits are eatable and quite yummy as well)

The corner with my plant box/vegetable patch

I've sown radishes in the round pot, lettuce in the
rectangular pot and peas in the cut off milk cartons.
And finally some photos of my Petunias and flower boxes

I looove the scent of Sweet Alison/Strandkrassing

The lavender petunia that didn't have any flowers earlier

A rose, not a petunia LOL

Very strange petunia!
Åh vad härligt med en balkongblogg! Kommer absolut vara här och läsa, se på dina härliga bilder och inspireras!
Så kul att du gillar den här bloggen! :o) Jag hoppas att jag ska kunna ta mig i kragen och uppdatera den lite flitigare den här sommaren.
I know this is an old blog post, but I've enjoyed reading it. Such lovely flowers and kitty-cats, too! :) I like the way you express things and wish you would write more, again. I know other people must enjoy your blog also. Don't give up!
from Pickles :)
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